Assessment & Accountability

Cherokee County Schools (CCS) is committed to student growth and academic progress. "Student growth is the amount of academic progress that students make over the course of a grade or class. Students enter grades and courses at different places; some have struggled while some have excelled. Regardless of how they enter a grade or course, students can make progress over the course of the school year" (NC Dept of Public Instruction).
CCS believes that EVERY student is capable of achieving at least one year's academic growth each school year. 
The mission of the North Carolina Accountability Services Division is to promote the academic achievement of all North Carolina public school students and to assist stakeholders in understanding and gauging this achievement against state and national standards. The major thrust of this mission is three-fold: the design and development of reliable and valid assessment instruments, the uniform implementation of and access to suitable assessment instruments for all students; and the provision of accurate and statistically appropriate reports. (NCDPI)