Student Accident Insurance
Student Accident Insurance
Cherokee County Schools provides limited secondary accident insurance coverage for high and middle school athletes, band, and cheerleaders participating in any school-sponsored and supervised activity. Primary coverage for your child is still recommended. A brief summary of coverages can be found here.
Cherokee County Schools' general liability insurance excludes student medical expenses unless it can be shown that the school system or district acted negligently.
This Accident Insurance policy provides LIMITED BENEFITS and pays for accidental injury expenses after all other insurance has been paid. If there is no other available insurance this policy becomes primary.
Because this policy provides LIMITED BENEFITS parents should consider purchasing the school's voluntary student Accident Insurance to help cover additional out-of-pocket expenses.
This is only a brief summary of the district-paid Student Accident Insurance. The master policy is on file in the district office and any conflict between this summary and the master policy – the master policy prevails.
Purchase insurance
Voluntary Membership in a group accident insurance program is made available to students each school year. Participation in the plan is voluntary and made available through school publications annually and parents are urged to purchase it for their children.
If you don’t already have accident insurance for your child, Cherokee County Schools has contracted with The Young Group to offer coverage, which you may purchase at their website any time during the school year.
- Parents: Online Instructions
- Downloads: Student Accident Insurance Plans | Planes de seguro de accidente estudiantil
- Accident Claim: HSR Claim Form | Formulario De Reclamacion Del Estudiante
Voluntary student accident insurance is “primary” insurance, meaning it pays even if you have other medical insurance.
While you may purchase coverage anytime during the year, the cost will be the same and there is no prorated premium. Additionally, the premium is due in full at time of purchase.
For questions about Cherokee County Schools voluntary insurance coverage, call the service broker:
Doug Young, President
The Young Group, Inc.
(919) 846-9798
[email protected]